Welcome, and remember...

Just a reminder about what we'd like to see here. Students will be responding to readings, and their grade will be based on the following rubric:
  • Reflection statements (self positioning within the course concepts);
  • Commentary statements (effective use of the course content in discussion and analysis);
  • New idea statements (synthesis of ideas to a higher level); and
  • Application statements (direct use of the new ideas in a real life setting).
Don't forget to mark the comments you want for credit with an FC.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

European "Trade" FC

I thought that European trade with Africa was both horrifying and hilarious. I had no idea that it had originally just consisted of raiding parties. Its like a bully taking lunch money and saying that a little boy traded his money for a black eye. And when Africans begin to fight back and the Europeans begin to make less and less profit, well then I suppose the Europeans will open "fair" trade.

To me it seems the Europeans are all about profits, Since it was quicker and cheaper to just raid African settlements of their goods they did that. Then when Europe began to loose a few men (and gold) they opened up trade systems. The when they wanted more gold, faster, and on their time, they conquered. They (the Europeans) seemed to have conquered merely over convenience. How very civilized.

- David Northup

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