Welcome, and remember...

Just a reminder about what we'd like to see here. Students will be responding to readings, and their grade will be based on the following rubric:
  • Reflection statements (self positioning within the course concepts);
  • Commentary statements (effective use of the course content in discussion and analysis);
  • New idea statements (synthesis of ideas to a higher level); and
  • Application statements (direct use of the new ideas in a real life setting).
Don't forget to mark the comments you want for credit with an FC.

Monday, January 26, 2009

BEER -fc

I think Dr. Dormady was smart with starting us off with beer, definitely something to catch our attention. As college students we see how beer influences our lives every weekend, or every day for some people but I had never thought about when beer was invented only grateful that it had been. The Author I thought had a great approach to the history and how it affected early civilization with how it was a form of payment and celebration, I wish he would have told more if people actually got highly intoxicated from it or could control themselves and got some form of punishment. The Mesopotamians and Egyptians saw beer as a god-given drink but in one part someone says,” Take not upon thyself to drink a jug of beer. Thou speakest, and an unintelligible utterance issueth from thy mouth” I do not think this quote is completely true, yes some people drink too much and start acting stupid but I feel that beer helps people socialize and makes it easier to speak, do other people think this is true or that beer is the origin of stupidity?


  1. The Code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest law codes publicized for the whole society, contains punishments for disorderly conduct in taverns, but the wording makes it sound like it is not about being drunk but about planning rebellions in taverns.

  2. Im new at this, so I hope this is right. I found it to be interesting that beer was accidetly discoverd and that writing with a clay tablet was different way of keeping records. The book also showed that in order to grow barley or wheat they would haft to stay their and this would als increase population and create jobs. Jimmy Cox
